I design meaningful experiences that boost customer confidence and make life less stressful.

From small moments of reassurance to large interactive experiences, my work results in real people like you and me feeling more confident as they work towards future goals.

BIll pay mobile
BIll pay mobile
BIll pay mobile

Bill pay feature

See all your expenses in one place

Capital One Cafe website
Capital One Cafe website
Capital One Cafe website


Explaining the Capital One Cafés

Interactive screen installation
Interactive screen installation
Interactive screen installation

Explore screens

Focused the large-scale interactive screen experiences on people not screen taps

Person-to-person group splitting screen
Person-to-person group splitting screen
Person-to-person group splitting screen

Patented group expense splitting

Reduced the hassle of managing expenses

Multidisciplinary designer & artist David Dao works in the greater Washington, D.C., metro area and lives in Baltimore. He is a design lead at Capital One and serves on the boards of Art Jewelry Forum and the Baltimore Jewelry Center.

Contact me
